Maria Italia Gualtieri (WORK IN PROGRESS)

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Calabria

Via Pietro Bucci, cubo 30/A

87036 Rende (CS) - Italy

Phone: +39 0984 496487

Fax: +39 0984 496484


Current position

June 2001 -- Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria


Main topics of interest:

Collocation for BVPs via spline functions
Sequences of Polynomial Operators
Numerical solutions of first and second order ODEs
Uniform Approximation of continuous functions by classic linear positive operators and extrapolation processes
Numerical solution of nonlinear equations
Scheduling Problems
Educational topics

Recent Publications

---- F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli Lidstone-based collocation splines for odd-order BVPs
Submitted to MATCOM
F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli Matrix calculus-based approach to orthogonal polynomial sequences
To appear on Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
2020 F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli Odd and Even Lidstone-type polynomial sequences. Part 2: applications
CALCOLO, 57(1) (2020),
2019 F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli Polynomial sequences: elementary basic methods and application hints. A survey
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fìsicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemàticas, (2019) pp.1--34,
R. Caira, F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri A block hybrid method for non-linear second order boundary value problems
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 16(1) (2019) pp. 17,
F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli Recurrence relations and determinant forms for general polynomial sequences. Applications to Genocchi polynomials
Integral Transforms And Special Functions, vol. 30 (2019) pp. 112-127,
2018 F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli, M. Altomare Odd and even Lidstone-type polynomial sequences. Part 1: basic topics
Advances in Difference Equations, (2018) 2018:299,
F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli Some results on generalized Szàsz operators involving Sheffer polynomials
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol 337 (2018) pp. 244-255
2017 F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, G. Serafini Cubic Lidstone-Spline for numerical solution of BVPs
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol. 141 (2017) pp. 56-64,
F.A. Costabile, M.I. Gualtieri, A. Napoli Relationships between Interpolation and Differential Equations. A Class of Collocation Methods
in Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, InTech ISBN 978-953-51-5028-2 (2017) pp. 169-189,
2015 M.I. Gualtieri, V. Marino Arbeli ed altro
Progetto Alice, vol. XVI (48) (2015) pp. 525-550

Recent Conferences and Workshops

2019 International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Modelling Approximation and Simulation (MACMAS 2019)
Granada, Spain, 9-11 September 2019
Poster: Spline collocation for odd-order Lidstone-type BVPs
2017 Foundation of Computational Mathematics (FoCM2017)
Barcelona, Spain, 10-19 July 2017
Poster: Collocation spline interpolation for high-order Lidstone-type boundary value problems
2015 Numerical Modeling in Evolutionary Problems: Perspectives and Appl. Workshop (NUMEP2015)
Fisciano (SA), Italy, 26-27 October 2015
Invited: A class of collocation methods. A survey
2015 New Trends in Numerical Analysis. Theory, Methods, Algor. and Appl. Intern. Conf. (NETNA2015)
Falerna (CZ), Italy, 18-21 June 2015
Poster: A new hybrid method of higher order for second order BVPs
Poster: Cubic Lidstone-Spline for numerical solution of BVPs
Scientific and Organizing Committee

Teaching Activities a.a. 2019-'20

Laboratorio di Programmazione e Calcolo (CdS in Matematica)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Calabria
Modelli Matematici e Statistici per la Biologia (CdS in Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche)
Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences
University of Calabria


Bachelor Students (Laurea triennale in Matematica)

2018-'19 Bruno Rosa Maria, Interpolazione bivariata su dati sparsi
2014-'15 Settineri Giuseppe, Tecniche di precondizionamento per sistemi lineari
De Grazia Marialaura, Applicazioni NURBS in Computer Aided Geometric Design

Master Degree Students (Laurea specialistica/magistrale in Matematica)

2014-'15 Furci Isabella, Quadratura efficiente in analisi isogeometrica basata su NURBS
Pianta Manuela, Interpolazione di Hermite sulla sfera
Perrone Marco, Metodi di collocazione per BVP