The Numerical Analysis Laboratory (LAN) was established in the 80s, at the
Department of Mathematics, under the direction of the Chair of Numerical
Analysis. It was recognized by the Ministry with the direct assignment of
a post of Research Assistant for the needs of the Chair. Since then it has been crucial for the support of the Applied Mathematics curriculum for the
degree in Mathematics. In the 80s and 90s the LAN was the technical support for the activation of a series of summer schools in Computational
Currently it supports the teaching activities of
Computational Mathematics of the courses for the Bachelor and Master
degree in Mathematics and of others courses which need the use of
specialistic software.

We carry out research in various areas of numerical analysis such as: Numerical Approximation of the Solution of Initial Value Problems or Boundary Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations,
Polynomial, Rational and Scattered Data Approximation and Interpolation, Sheffer Sequences and Related Approximation Operators, and areas of applied mathematics such as: Quantitative analysis of river networks, Stochastic processes modeling for prediction of binary responses.